IAMRoadSmart logo  Plymouth & District Advanced Motorists
Affiliated to the Institute of Advanced Motorists (Group 1134)

Contact Us...

If you require information about Group Membership, Advanced Driver Course etc, please contact one of the following:-

Title Name eMail Telephone
Chairperson Helen Allan chair@plymouthadvancedmotorists.org.uk 07866 182642
Secretary Dave Riddle secretary@plymouthadvancedmotorists.org.uk 07810 124355
Membership Graham Lamb membership@plymouthadvancedmotorists.org.uk 07920 886542
Treasurer Geoff Wilkins treasurer@plymouthadvancedmotorists.org.uk 07817 267842
Editor Mike Adams editor@plymouthadvancedmotorists.org.uk 07982 934695
A/Chief Observer Roger Riddle chief-observer@plymouthadvancedmotorists.org.uk 07769 691261


If you have any information or updates for the Web site or an article for the Newsletter, please email the Editor at:-


Current Group Members can find further contact details in the Newsletter.